How to lose 100lbs – part 2

When I first had the idea to start this blog I expected to write a lot about my weight-loss process. I thought that I would tell you the week by week story, so that you could follow along as it happened. Apparently when you write a weight loss diary you need to tell your readers …

How to lose 100lbs

My Story – the beginning Like many weight loss stories, mine is a story of many ‘ups’ and several ‘downs’.  I struggled with my weight as a teenager, got it under control when at university…  slipped a little…  sorted myself out again, and then succeeded in getting down to a UK size 10/12 by the …

The what, who and why – justFreda

The ‘What’ is, at its core, a personal blog. However, consider this to be just the starting point on a long, and possibly meandering, journey. The website “just Freda” is named after someone I knew as a child. Hair always in rollers, always wearing a pinny (apron), she would walk between the neighbouring houses …

Swimming – Day 1

It’s like this.  I can swim – kind of.  I had lessons when I was at school, but  those lessons were next to useless.  They took place in the local echo-y, Victorian, swimming baths.  I hated the noise, and I also carried with me some unpleasant memories of family visits from somewhere in my distant …