When I first had the idea to start this blog I expected to write a lot about my weight-loss process. I thought that I would tell you the week by week story, so that you could follow along as it happened.
Apparently when you write a weight loss diary you need to tell your readers about all the successes and all the failures, however losing weight this way has been incredibly straightforward and uneventful for me. It hasn’t been anything like the roller coaster experience I have come to expect of a calorie counting diet. My family have simply changed our diet to one that is based on Paleo principles. That is all, it doesn’t even feel like dieting, yet the weight loss has happened anyway. All 70lbs of it so far!
Yes. I have lost 70lbs!
Over the next few months I’m going to try to explain what the Paleo diet is – my version of the Paleo diet – and how it has helped me to lose weight easily. Because, if you’ve been wandering around the Paleo food blogs and seen all those Paleofied baked goods, I need to tell you that filling yourself up with all *those* ‘Paleo’ foods probably won’t result in much (if any) weight loss at all.
I was so worried that I might say “hey everyone, come watch me lose weight” and then fail to lose any weight at all, that I found myself unable to write anything. Now that I am writing about it, I am more concerned about being able to sustain my weight loss because I’ve come to realise that the process of losing weight isn’t the most important issue – the most important thing is to be eating in a way that will enable me to maintain a healthy weight once I have reached my target, and beyond.
If you look around at the weight-loss blogs you can see that often the posts stop once the target weight is reached, leaving you to wonder about the long term. Sometimes you see the blogger start to eat “normally” and the weight starts to creep back on again. I even came across one blogger who appeared to make progress with one diet, but then put the weight back on (a lot of weight) – tried a different diet, succeeded, but then put the weight back on… and so on. I don’t want this to be me. My aim isn’t purely to lose weight, but is to become fitter and more mobile now in my 50s, so that I can continue to be healthy and active as I grow older.
So, that’s me, 70lb lost in just over one year and 30lb still to go…