Tarn Hows

Last week, for our walk, we took a trip up into the Lake District to Tarn Hows. I have a list of easy walks and the walk around Tarn Howes, while longer than I remembered, is reasonably flat and easy underfoot. We took our time and I managed to walk the whole way around, which is one and three quarter miles. Although my husband said we would have walked it faster if I hadn’t insisted on stopping every five minutes to take photographs!


We spent a lovely half hour just sitting and enjoying the sunshine while looking down on the lake. Listening to the ducks. Their call echoed around the tarn to create a strange and eerily alien sound.

It was a beautiful day, a beautiful walk, and the light on the tarn was stunning.

th2Tarn Hows is owned by the National Trust so, if you are a member you can park for free, and there are toilets and an ice cream van at the main car park (such good ice cream). If you are able to walk further than I am, and can manage hills, then the waterfall walk is also worth exploring.

Here is a link to the walk: Tarn Hows – map and walk details.