It’s been a while but I’m now starting to feel like writing again, in fact I’ve already started with a couple of tentative posts on Instagram. Instagram is so easy: an update just takes a sentence or two whereas writing a full blog post might still be beyond me – we’ll see.
I had the Hip Replacement operation in December, so I’m several months post-op. I’ll try to write about my hip replacement story in more detail at another time, for now it is enough to say that I am recovering. Slowly. Definitely a slower recovery than I expected but overall the improvement is steady.
I tend to withdraw into myself at times of illness so I’ve been reading A LOT – you can expect some ‘book’ posts in the coming weeks.
My inactivity (and post-op picky appetite) has caused me to put some weight back on – not too much – I haven’t gone up a dress size – it’s just annoying when I think of all the progress I’d made. I still need to hit my 100lb target so once I’m OK to start losing weight again I’ll be doing another Whole30 to get myself back on track.
About that picky appetite. I had prepared, and frozen, four weeks of paleo meals before my operation so I thought I was organised enough to continue faithfully with my eating plan. Unfortunately I got off to a bad start because the food in the hospital was awful and I was unable to eat most of it. For 4 days I only ate watery soup, fruit, gluten-free toast and breakfast cereal. I was so looking forward to being back at home and to eating my freezer meals because I wanted familiar (safe) flavours, but even that didn’t go as planned. My husband made the mistake of adding his own ‘finishing touches’ to the meal and my appetite just up and vanished completely. I didn’t want to eat anything at all – yet I knew that it was important to eat *something*. As a result, my diet has been rather strange and erratic for the last few months.
I’m now back doing the family cooking, I’m trying my best to return 100% to the Paleo diet and I feel much better for it. I’m not quite organised enough yet but I’m getting there.