The what, who and why – justFreda

The ‘What’ is, at its core, a personal blog. However, consider this to be just the starting point on a long, and possibly meandering, journey.

The website “just Freda” is named after someone I knew as a child. Hair always in rollers, always wearing a pinny (apron), she would walk between the neighbouring houses in her bedroom slippers.

That was what 50 looked like to me.

So the name relates to our expectations of ageing, of what 50, 60, 70, and more, look like to us when we think ahead.  More importantly, to how we shouldn’t be afraid to carve out our own path, and be true to ourselves, at this point in our life.

The ‘Who’

Who am I?  I am a 50+ year old woman from England, married, with grown up children. This blog moves forward from a point of change in my life. After I picked myself up, dusted myself down, and asked myself, “What Now?”

The ‘Why’

  • I want to decide what is important to me
  • I want to document my story
  • I want to set goals – and see results
  • I want to help and engage with others through my story